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Medipremium Diagnostic DNA Test

Medipremium Diagnostic DNA Test

  • Product Code: MEDICAS GENOMICS
  • Reward Points: 7798
  • Availability: In Stock

  • RM3,600.00

  • Price in reward points: 389900

What is Diagnostic DNA Test?
Diagnostic DNA testing is the use of a genetic test to predict future risk of disease. The results of Diagnostic DNA testing can provide information about risk of developing specific diseases and help with making decisions about medical care and family planning.

Who needs a Diagnostic DNA Test?
This test is suitable for everyone who is concern about their health, and also especially helpful to those who have a family member with a genetic disorder but have no features of the disorder themselves.

What we test?

HEALTH RISK (258 genes & 85 traits)
Genetic Health Risk reports tell you about genetic variants associated with increased risk for certain health conditions

DRUG RESPONSE (18 genes & 19 traits)

Many drugs have defined targets such as cellular receptor or intracellular enzyme. They may have known specific interactions with enzyme responsible for activation, breakdown and clearance of the drugs. Genetic variances determine how these drug-processing enzyme works. Your DNA results provide information about how genes affect your response to different drugs

HEALTH RISK (258 genes & 85 traits)

Genetic Health Risk reports tell you about genetic variants associated with increased risk for certain health conditions

CARRIER STATUS (135 genes & 43 traits )

Being a carrier means you have one variant for certain condition in your gene. Carriers typically do not have the condition but can pass the variant to their children. Carrier status test detects genetic variants that can cause inherited genetic condition.

CANCER TEST (199 genes & 25 traits)

Laryngeal Cancer

Bladder Cancer

Oral Cancer

Ovarian Cancer

Pharyngeal Cancer

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Pancreatic Cancer

Multiple Myeloma

Endometrial Cancer

Cervical Cancer

Liver Cancer

Breast Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Kidney Cancer

Gallbladder Cancer




Basal Cell Carcinoma

Thyroid Cancer

Esophageal Cancer

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Our Medipremium Test is a comprehensive diagnostic test where breast cancer is also tested apart from other common prevailing cancers.
“Cancer does not care, so you have too. The ONLY person who can save you is YOU

我们的【DNA体检】是全方面的体检,除了可以检测到【未来5年】会发生的疾病,还可以知道 癌症基因风险 ( cancer risk) 遗传病基因风险 ( genetic health risk) 带兵基因风险( carrier status) 药物过敏基因测 (drug sensitivity) – 就是查出你对什么东西过敏,无论是食物或药物都查得一清二楚,你就不用再担心过敏啦! 2. 还有还有,我们是用最先进的基因测序科技,验出来数据报告高达200页哦!别担心,我们的Dr Chan会亲自帮你分析病因,还会1对1 地仔细解释给你听的 而且Dr Chan还会根据的你情况【量身定制】一套康复方案,而不是普通跟你说需要注意什么或者叫你吃药控制罢了

3. 他和circular DNA 有什么分别? Premium DNA 专注于疾病和癌症基因。 Circular DNA专注于 Wellness 4. 你现在一定是心想:哇!很贵啊! 等一下! 容小编再说一句 虽然普通体检便宜,但其实是很难查出【早期疾病】的,等到等到体检指数出现 #不正常 时,就已经太迟了!你想想,光是住院费用都会让人崩溃了! 【DNA精准体检】确保每个人能在疾病将要发生之前,先做好防患 和 预防,那样就可以帮你省下接下来【10年】的冤枉钱! 所以不要再想了, 获取你的DNA精准体检测试套装吧!

Please bring the e-receipt and show to counter to get DNA test done 

Sample of collection: Saliva

IF you stay outside KL, please contact us for delivery

Please contact us via Whatsapp +601126151500 for any inquiries 

Tags: dna